Episode 13: "Be Not Afraid"

Listen to Episode 13: "Be Not Afraid" here.

In this episode, we discuss the feeding of the 5,000, Christ (and Peter) walking on the water, and interview my friend Silvana about times of doubt and fear where she had to trust in her Heavenly Father. Thanks Silvana for letting me interview you!!!

Also I talk about how sometimes when life is going "good" I get nervous that something bad is coming and I just don't know it...like when my sister had a lovely quiet afternoon until she realized that silence isn't always so golden....sometimes you pay for it with little mud covered boys! Basically I worry that the spiritual equivalent of mud covered children is waiting for me whenever I feel like life is too "good" or "quiet".

“No doubt the pool of Bethesda was a mineral spring whose waters had some curative virtue. But any notion that an angel came down and troubled the waters, so that the first person thereafter entering them would be healed, was pure superstition. Healing miracles are not wrought in any such manner” (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1965–73], 1:188).

Some of the awesome Art I talk about in this week's episode:


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