S2 E18 (May 4-10) “A Light That Can Never Be Darkened”

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Was Abinadi old or young? Where did he come from? How can we be like him? How are we standing up for truth in different ways- like coaching volleyball? How did God support Abinadi during this trial- what was the immediate goodness for Abinadi? We discuss all this and more in this week's episode!

THIS is the painting that inspired my sister's love of King Noah 😂😂😂
Doesn't Abinadi look buff???

Here's the blog post from Life of Riley that describes all the people (including us!) that Abinadi converted: 

But WHO was Abinadi?

This is the article from the 1992 Ensign that I quoted: Abinadi: Prophet and Martyr https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1992/04/abinadi-prophet-and-martyr?lang=eng


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