S2 E13 (March 23-29) "He Works in Me to Do His Will"

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I was so inspired by Enos this week! His prayer and the concept of "sacred groves" really got me thinking and it dovetails into the personal preparation I'm doing for the 2020 April General Conference. I'll share some of my thoughts, but you're also going to hear some amazing messages by Angie Killian the author of the song My Own Sacred Grove. I'll share her song as well- please pay attention to the gorgeous message that we can receive revelation and find our own relationship with our Heavenly Father no matter where we are. A special thank you to Angie for sharing her words and talent with the world. You can learn more about Angie and her songs at https://www.angiekillian.com/

Full text of my interview with Angie Killian, the author of the song My Own Sacred Grove.
Introduce yourself:
My husband and I met when we were 15 and 16 years old. We were married in 2008 and now have three adorable children and two unruly dogs. I grew up in Elk Ridge, Utah, and we currently call Springville, Utah home. Music has always been a big part of my life, but I don't have a formal music degree--in fact, I studied math at BYU until I realized I wasn't cut out for teaching Jr. High or High School. I left BYU to work while my husband finished nursing school, and had babies before I could go back to finish. Someday I would love to go back, but for now, I am extremely happy where I am: home with my children and my music.

How did you get into songwriting?
I started writing music in 2016. At the time, I had a nearly 3 year old son and 8 month old daughter and had lost myself in the monotony of motherhood. Between endless piles of laundry and dishes, I had no perceived identity beyond "Mama," and "Milk please." In addition, I was silently battling postpartum depression. I would play it off as exhaustion, and I'm sure nearly four years of interrupted sleep compounded my emotional state, but looking back I can accurately state that I was in the midst of PPD but was too proud--or perhaps ashamed and afraid--to call it what it was.

One night, in the early hours of the morning, I was rocking my baby girl back to sleep. She was--and still is--a horrendous sleeper and used to wake to eat every 2-3 hours until she was weaned. On this particular night as I was rocking her, a little tune came into my head that I paired with simple words. It wasn't spectacular, but it brought me joy, fulfillment, and awakened a part of my soul that I had lost. I wrote another song, and then another. Then I prayed. I made a covenant with my Heavenly Father that if He would give me music, I would write it down and I would share it with the world. This was a big promise to make for someone so new to songwriting, but He has come in big on His end of the bargain, and I am striving every day to fulfill the promise I made.

Do you feel like songwriting is my calling?
Yes. Did the Lord need me, specifically, to write the songs I have written? Maybe, but I'm sure He could have called on another bring life to these ideas. Perhaps He knew that I needed this outlet as much as the world needed this music.

Can you tell me about the experience of writing My Own Sacred Grove?
In January of 2017, I felt like I needed to write a song called "I will find my own Sacred Grove." Having just finished a huge project that was both emotionally and financially taxing on my family, I filed the thought away and promised to come back to it at a better time. Little did I know, that little hook was making a home in my subconscious and forming itself into a song. By the next day, I could hear the words and melody of the chorus. The following day I could hear the harmonies and every note the piano would play. By this point, I realized this song was not one to be ignored, and I sat down at the piano, found the notes I was hearing in my head, and finished writing and notating the entire song by the end of the week. When I typed my name next to the title, I almost felt guilty because so much of this song was given to me; I cannot take credit. I have had a lot of special experiences writing songs, but this process was truly unique.

How do you hope this song will help others accept our Prophet’s invitation to learn more about the Restoration?
In early 2019 I made the connection that 2020 would mark 200 years since Joseph Smith's first vision. I felt strongly that this song would be a powerful tool to help primary children and families strengthen their testimonies of that sacred and historic event. We recorded the song and filmed the music video in July, and you can imagine my excitement when I heard President Nelson announce that 2020 would be a bicentennial year celebrating the Restoration.

Aside from having a testimony of Jesus Christ's Atonement and Resurrection, having a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon is paramount for members of the LDS faith. I love that this song shares Joseph's story, but also that it encourages and instructs us to learn of these truths for ourselves. It is so much more than a song about Joseph's experience in the Sacred Grove; it is a song that teaches about revelation in simple words that children can connect with and understand.

Anything else you want to share?

The scriptures are full of "Sacred Grove" stories. Here are a few of my favorites:

Moses. Exodus 3:1-2

Brother of Jared. Ether 3:1 & 6

Nephi. 1 Nephi 17:7 & 1 Nephi 18:3

Enos. Enos 1:3-4

Joseph Smith. JSH 1:14-17

Jesus. Luke 22:39 (be sure to look at footnote a) <3 <3 <3

Your Sacred Grove can be anywhere! My favorite places in the world are Lake Powell, Fairview Canyon, and Yosemite, and I would like to share that my Sacred Grove experiences have happened there, but, in reality, my Sacred Grove is anywhere I can turn off the world and tune into revelation. My favorite places to receive revelation: in the shower, driving in my car--especially when the kids are asleep, and sitting at my piano.

My favorite song I have ever written is usually the song I am working on, so it changes all the time. Right now it is a co-write with my talented friend Shane Mickelsen called, "A Mother There." We are planning to release right after Easter and are so excited to praise our Heavenly Mother with this song. 

 Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for updates on this project and all future projects.


Find Angie on social media at:


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