
Showing posts from March, 2019

Episode 16 (April 22-28) "What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?"

Listen to Episode 16 (April 22-28): "What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?" here. In this episode, we discuss the "love others AND yourself", who are the Seventy?, and be good to your neighbor. When you love your neighbor, you are a SUPER hero!

Episode 15: April 15-21 Easter, or A Mixtape for my Savior

Listen to Episode 15: April 15-21, Easter or a Mixtape for my Savior here.  Track listing:  He Sent His Son John 1:1-4, 14 “The Mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ” by Russell M. Nelson, Devotional address given August 18, 1998, at Brigham Young University He Sent His Son, performed by The Orchestra and Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square from their album Called to Serve. You can purchase this song at Master The Tempest Is Raging Mark 4: 35-41 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come” by Jeffrey R. Holland, October 1999 General Conference Master the Tempest is Raging, performed by Laurel Blair (featuring Sarah Seidt) on the album My Constant Hope. You can purchase this song at: Come Thou Fount...

Episode 14: April 1-14, "Thou Art The Christ"

Listen to  Episode 14: "Thou Art the Christ" here. In this episode, we discuss the Simon Peter's declaration "Thou Art The Christ", the Keys of the Kingdom, moving mountains, and we Sister Frizzle Caesarea Philippi. Peter and President Nelson holding the Keys to the Kingdom!

Episode 13: "Be Not Afraid"

Listen to Episode 13: "Be Not Afraid" here. In this episode, we discuss the feeding of the 5,000, Christ (and Peter) walking on the water, and interview my friend Silvana about times of doubt and fear where she had to trust in her Heavenly Father. Thanks Silvana for letting me interview you!!! Also I talk about how sometimes when life is going "good" I get nervous that something bad is coming and I just don't know when my sister had a lovely quiet afternoon until she realized that silence isn't always so golden....sometimes you pay for it with little mud covered boys! Basically I worry that the spiritual equivalent of mud covered children is waiting for me whenever I feel like life is too "good" or "quiet".

Bonus Content! "Where's your accent?"

Bonus content! In which I answer a listener's question: What's up with your accent?…/5…/Where_s_my_accent.mp3 Short answer? It comes and goes and gets thicker when I get feisty. Neither of my parents are from Alabama (mom's an Army Brat, dad's from Indiana) and I live in a city is that is fairly metropolitan and highly international with lots of accents from all over. So while I was born and raised in Alabama, I don't necessarily have a 100% southern accent...but it's there sometimes! I also have some California, Utah, and who knows what else mashed in there too!

Episode 12: "He Who Hath Ears To Hear, Let Him (or her!!) Hear"

Listen to Episode 12: "He Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear" here . In this episode, we discuss the various parables of Christ, how Christ was the Master Storyteller, what story does to your brain, and my parable of Harry Potter.