S2 E38 (Sept 28- Oct 11) "Behold, My Joy is Full"


Jesus Christ had a limited amount of time to spend with the Nephites. What were His priorities? What does that teach us about what our priorities should be? How did He teach them to 

minister? And what did they learn about prayer? We talk about all this and more!

Listen at:
Podbean: https://thesaviorsaid.podbean.com/
Spotify: http://ow.ly/Zpg650uuNjg
iTunes: http://ow.ly/RGeQ50uuNjb
Stitcher: http://ow.ly/H4Lu50uuNja

What would Christ pray for you? This was my answer:

Luke 10:41

41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art acareful and troubled about many things:

42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath achosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Teachings of the Presidents of The Church, Joseph Fielding Smith pg 100:

“I wish we could get the members of the Church to understand more clearly the covenants they make when they partake of the sacrament at our sacrament meetings.9

It is our duty to carefully and thoughtfully consider the nature of [the sacrament] prayers when we hear them offered in our meetings. There are four very important things we covenant to do each time we partake of these emblems, and in partaking, there is the token that we subscribe fully to the obligations, and thus they become binding upon us. These are as follows:

1. We eat in remembrance of the body of Jesus Christ, promising that we will always remember His wounded body slain upon the cross.

2. We drink in remembrance of the blood which was shed for the sins of the world, which atoned for the transgression of Adam, and which frees us from our own sins on condition of our true repentance.

3. We covenant that we will be willing to take upon us the name of the Son and always remember Him. In keeping this covenant we promise that we will be called by His name and never do anything that would bring shame or reproach upon that name.

4. We covenant that we will keep His commandments which He has given us; not one commandment, but that we will be willing to “live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.”

If we will do these things then we are promised the continual guidance of the Holy Ghost, and if we will not do these things we will not have that guidance."

“Baptism is for the remission of sins. Those who are baptized worthily have their sins remitted because of the shedding of the blood of Christ. Their garments are washed in the blood of the Lamb. When they thereafter partake worthily of the sacrament, they renew the covenant made in the waters of baptism. The two covenants are the same” (Bruce R. McConkie, The Promised Messiah, 386).


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