
Showing posts from July, 2020

S2 E31 (August 10-16) “Preserved by His Marvelous Power”

WHO'S READY FOR A MIXTAPE??? It's been months since our last mixtape, and I thought a mixtape might be a great way to get your amped up for the Army of Helaman! So get your headphones out and get ready to jam with the stripling warriors. Here's the song list: Truth I’m Standing On by Leanna Crawford Another in the Fire by Hillsong United My God Fights for Me by Charity Gayle (feat. Micah Tyler & Kaden Slay) Revolutionary by Josh Wilson Fires by Jordan St. Cyr EFY Medley 20th Anniversary: As Sisters in Zion / We'll Bring the World His Truth (feat. Heritage Youth Chorus)

S2 E30 (Aug 3-9) “Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ”

This week we dive into the "War Chapters" of the Book of Mormon. I wanted to do a scholarly reading and go into the different characters, the battles, the tactics, the strategies...but life had other plans.  This has been a difficult week anxiety-wise as I start to look at going back to school in the middle of a pandemic hotspot. It has made focusing and really "studying" my scriptures difficult. However I found that "feasting on the words of Christ" sometimes means not studying the culture, the word usage, and all the other scholarly information on the text we're reading, but instead it means taking the scriptures that mean something to you and etching them on your heart. Clinging to them in the middle of the war you're fighting. Using them as your umbrella in the storm. So that's what I did this week. I learned several lessons from Captain Moroni, but I distilled the concepts I'm focusing on into 3 P's. I will be: Prayerful, Peaceful...

S2 E29 (July 27- August 3) “The Great Plan of Happiness”

LISTENER ADVISORY: This episode is geared towards adults trying to help youth stay sexually pure. As a result, some content may not be appropriate to listen to in a family setting. This week I had a TON of stuff going on in my life and I didn’t have time to record an episode... YIKES!  However, because Alma is talking to his son Corianton about sexual purity, I thought it might be a good time to revisit the law of chastity like we did last year when we were in 1 Corinthians. I went back and listened to the episode from Season 1 and honestly, I think it’s better than anything I could put together now! So this is a re-release of episode 33 from Season 1. Description of Episode from Season 1: Because Paul talks about sexual immorality in 1 Corinthians, I decided it was time to talk a little bit about chastity. I'm talking from my experience of working with thousands of teens in my profession, as a mother of a teenage boy, and just as someone who cares about kids. I talk about the st...

S2 E28 (July 20-26 ) “Look to God and Live”

This week’s assignment felt like a warm honey gold summer afternoon! I loved it and I hope you love it too. We discuss conversion, chiasmus (pronounced Key Az Mus), and how Shiblon suffered from middle child syndrome. Also, I ask YOU the question: As you read Alma 37:6–7 , ponder and record ways you’ve seen this principle at work in your life. What are some small and simple things the Lord uses to bless you and accomplish His work?If you want to send your answer in either as a recording (check your phone for a voice recorder app) or written format, just email it to or comment/message my Facebook or Instagram page. Your answers may be used in an upcoming episode of The Savior Said!