Episode 2: January 7-13

Listen to Episode 2, "Be it unto me according to Thy Word" here.

This week we discuss Matthew 1 and Luke 1, including the story of Elizabeth and Zacharias, Mary's conception, Joseph's choice, and Elizabeth and Mary's conversations. 

Apologies for the sound quality this week. I'm battling a mega cold so I'm super stuffed up!!!

First of all, some great resources you should check out!
The Come Follow Me Principle Challenge Facebook Group
Melanie Wellman's Podcast Come Follow Me For Us
The Savior Said's Facebook Page!

Some notes:
Follow along at https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/01?lang=eng

Scriptures mentioned in this episode:

Further reading:

Tell me: 
(in the comments or by email at TheSaviorSaid@gmail.com)

  • What are things that stood out to you from the conversation between Mary and the Angel?
  • What do you learn from Mary's testimony?
  • What can you do to "Fear not" when you are feeling fearful?
This episode is hosted at https://thesaviorsaid.podbean.com/


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